
We all have impediments to becoming our most efficient and productive selves. Through an exploration of possible causes, I had what should have been an obvious realization: 

I am a victim, as are the vast majority of adults as well as teens, of the pervasive, insidious, and ubiquitous SCREENS! 

Are you a victim as well? What can we do to help our children avoid this pitfall?

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Jacob FeldmanComment
SAT and ACT are having identity crises

The SAT and ACT have for years assumed that their tests are a good measure of the ability of a student to thrive in college and have failed to address the very real concerns that academia has raised about reliance on testing for admissions. Now, both tests are now claiming that they are good measures of high school success as well as indicators of college readiness. Can either test really be both of those things?

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Jacob FeldmanComment
New Habits for a New Year

Child stares incessantly at cell phone
Parent: "What happened at school today?"
Child does not look up
Child: "Nothing."
Deafening silence

This dialogue probably sounds familiar to many of you. This single-word response is the habit of nearly every adolescent desperate to ward off the prying questions of their well-meaning parents.

Fear not, parents. There are remedies!

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Jacob FeldmanComment
Testing News

Last year, Nevada had the lowest average ACT scores in the US. However, Nevadans (as well as those in other ACT-mandatory states) should be careful about what conclusions they draw and more so about what they do about those conclusions.


For the last seven years, debate has been heated among future MBAs as many business schools began to accept the GRE as well as the GMAT for admissions consideration. Now the same is happening for prospective law school students.


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Jacob Feldman Comment
Practice Makes Passion

Who among us hasn't at some point been faced with a daunting and seemingly endless task that was just too unwieldy to confront, let alone tackle? A necessary house project, a work responsibility? For current or recent students, these sorts of hurdles are more common: the bar exam, a prerequisite class, a research paper. What is more frustrating is seeing a colleague or friend pursuing the same end with an incessant smile and an unflappably chipper attitude while you slog through details, drowning in your own boredom.

There is a solution, or at least an approach, which is beautifully laid out by Penelope Trunk, an entrepreneur and writer, in a blog post, reprinted in an article for Business Insider, about her son's audition for the Juilliard Pre-College Program.

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Jacob FeldmanComment